Marketing Your Veterinary Hospital With YouTube
All pet owners love the charm of a good animal-related YouTube video. Be it an adorable kitten playing with a toy, a dog performing summersaults, or an educational video providing much-needed medical information, YouTube can deliver unlimited entertainment and relevant content to your clients with only a few key strokes.
You can take advantage of YouTube’s marketing power by providing your clients with videos directly on your veterinary hospital’s website. With a YouTube account for your hospital, there is no limit to the types of videos you can place.
VetNetwork has a few recommendations on getting started, and what type of video content would most benefit your clients and your hospital.
Creating a YouTube account takes only a few minutes. Start by visiting YouTube's website and clicking on account information. In the top right corner, click sign in, and either enter your Google account information or select "Create an Account." All it takes is some simple information and voila, you're ready to start uploading.
Educate your clients through video. Sometimes text simply isn't enough to teach your clients how to take care of their pets. A quick three-to-five minute informative video about disease prevention, vaccine benefits, how to check their pets for fleas and ticks, heartworm prevention or the advantages of regular examinations can be much more convincing. Whether shot on a video camera or on a cell phone, uploading is quick and easy. Click here for instructions provided by YouTube.
Keep a camera around the office. Although you can have videos produced with professional-grade cameras, creating video content can be as simple as pointing your smart phone and recording. Whether it’s a puppy examination or a dental visit, your website visitors will get a glimpse of your staff’s compassion and the excellent veterinary care you provide.
Search YouTube for relevant videos. Not all the video content your hospital provides has to be made in-house. YouTube is a great place for file-sharing. By doing simple searches, you may find videos that are relevant to your clients that express what you'd like to say in a different, more accessible manner. For example, if there's a seasonal disease that you'd like to educate your clients on, it may be easier and less time-consuming to include this link on your video page than it is to create your own.
After you've created your account and have begun recording videos, make sure to contact VetNetwork. The social media marketing experts at VetNetwork will create the video page for your website and help you choose the videos that will benefit your clients as well as your practice. Give VetNetwork a call at (603) 743-4321 to learn more today.