Sell your Products from your Own Custom E-Pharmacy Page

0 Comments Posted by Vet Network in E-commerce, Marketing, Shopping Cart on Monday, November 8th, 2010.

You don’t have to think of yourself as a web retailer in order to successfully sell products on your veterinary hospital’s website. Did you know that flea products and heartworm prevention medication account for more than 95 percent of the online veterinary pharmacy business? Why lose this business and possibly clients to online retailers when you can start selling these products immediately from your own hospital’s website?

If you put a button on your website that sends your clients to a third-party to purchase heartworm and flea products online, they are inconvenienced and you lose control of your clients’ purchasing decisions. Since your clients have their trust and confidence in you and the products that you recommend, you need to provide them with a page on your website where they can purchase these products.

There are also nightmare stories about third-party online veterinary pharmacy companies that claim to be your partner. One hospital owner reported that her supposed “pharmacy partner” was sending unsolicited email advertisements to her clients. Not only was this annoying to her clients, but these ads even included recommendations to buy additional products. By relying on third-party partners, you open your practice up to potential issues that could damage your reputation.

Additionally, if you allow an online pharmacy to sell your products, you are giving a retail competitor access to your clients and your clients’ data. Your shelves will gather dust while the online pharmacy uses your clients to grow its revenue.

A shopping page on your website is beneficial to your clients and you. You recommend the products and make the sale, all within your own website. You know what each client purchases and you control the entire sale.

Your custom Pharmacy Page includes only the products that you want to sell. You can add new products and change them as often as you want. You control the prices and you can offer specials and promotions.

Setting up your custom E-Pharmacy page is easy when you team up with VetNetwork. We can add an E-Pharmacy page to your existing website. Call VetNetwork today and start selling your products from your website to your clients.

Article Written and Copyright © by
Mark Feltz, DVM, Owner
VetNetwork, LLC

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