What's in a (Domain) Name? Great SEO placement and branding for your hospital.
Your veterinary hospital’s digital marketing and branding success begins with selecting the perfect veterinary domain name. While picking a domain name—also popularly known as a URL, or uniform resource locator—may seem like a relatively minor step in your marketing journey, it's vital to understand the role your web address plays in helping clients find you and decide whether to inquire about your services. Choosing your hospital's domain name is an important marketing decision that affects how your website (and practice) is seen—or not seen—on the Internet.

A domain name should be specific to your veterinary hospital, easy for clients to remember, and should incorporate terms pet owners would likely use in their online search for a local veterinarian. If your domain name includes your town or city, the words "vet" and "hosp" or "hospital," there's a significantly improved chance your website will appear on the first page of search results for Google, Bing, and other major search engines. A pet owner seeking a veterinary hospital in Seattle, for instance, is extremely likely to see websites with domain names such as www.SeattleVetHosp.com, www.SeattleVetHospital.com, and www.SeattleVeterinaryHosp.com. The more your site appears at the top of search results tied to your community and region, the more clients your practice will attract.
Get the Perfect Veterinary Hospital Domain Name for Your Hospital
Even if you own one great domain name for your practice, it's often a wise business decision to own several. Establishing ownership of two or more good domain names is a powerful, cost-effective strategy for staking out a broad swath of Internet real estate and protecting your geographic territory from competitors. The presence of multiple domain names also increases the amount of ways clients can locate your veterinary hospital website - expanding your online presence and increasing your website traffic.
VetNetwork can help recommend the most relevant veterinary hospital domain names for your practice, given your professional specialties and geographic region, and assist you in purchasing them quickly. We also feature a number of effective, desirable veterinary hospital domain names for sale. These veterinary domain names include the most frequent search terms pet owners would use when searching for a veterinary hospital in your area. Whether you’re a downtown vet or a veterinary surgeon, we have a variety of exceedingly attractive domain name options that can help your practice expand its reach online.
Interested in purchasing one of our veterinary domain names? Call VetNetwork at 800-564-4214 or contact us online today. Don't delay: The best domain names are sold quickly.