Blogging connects you to your clients and the community in a way that regular visits can't.
Blogging is a great way to communicate and connect with pet owners, build credibility and expertise in your field, and bring more traffic to your veterinary hospital website from search engines. By adding a veterinary hospital blog to your website, you:
- Enable visitors to learn more about you and your veterinary hospital
- Make personal connections with clients
- Establish a community with you as the central figure
- Increase your veterinary website's Google rankings
- Increase the level of service you offer to your clients without hiring new staff
- Establish your clinic as an expert on pet care topics
- Give your clients something new to look forward to reading at least once a month
Your Veterinary Blog: Getting Started
Many people think creating content for search engines is the way to get new business. However, creating content for users first is a better way. Brief and informal, blogs are a casual way for you to communicate with pet owners on many subjects, such as:

- Photos of clients' pets along with entertaining anecdotes
- Informally written case studies
- Top 10 lists: pet names, breeds, best pet cities
- Employee interviews
- Seasonal issues with anecdotes
- Your pet's day at the hospital
- Disease updates
- Personal events: employee birthdays, anniversaries
- Taking a stand on an issue: dog fighting, polar bear extinction
- Pet-related news and events in your community
- Monthly or weekly awareness campaigns in the veterinary community
- Specific behavioral concerns
The more you mix up the topics, the greater your clients will anticipate reading a new blog. It also sends the message that you care about pets and their families and want to provide as much information as possible to help them have a happy life together.
Veterinary Blogging Services
We understand that the day-to-day demands of running a thriving veterinary hospital may leave little, if any, time to add blogging to your long to-do list. Let VetNetwork's skilled team of veterinary content writers and veterinarians write your blog and provide you with blog maintenance services.
For a very reasonable fee, we can keep your blog updated, write and publish relevant and informative articles, and manage your comment boxes. Our creative website programmers can integrate your blog into your present website, which is one of the best methods for increasing your website's Google and search engine rankings.
Publishing informative and content-rich veterinary blogs keeps people on your website longer than they might have stayed otherwise. Reading a blog published by your animal hospital may just give a pet owner the confidence to follow through with scheduling an appointment for the first time.
Veterinary blogging offers a high return for a very small investment. To learn more about how you can get started, please call VetNetwork at 800-564-4215 or contact us online today.
Boost online exposure for your practice even more with our veterinary social media and email marketing services!