Big Box Stores Continue To Poach Veterinary Hospital Sales
Back in 2011, our Big Box Stores Poaching Veterinary Hospital Pharmacy Sales blog discussed the low cost/high volume sales of veterinary products spreading like wildfire through stores like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, etc.—and how veterinary pharmacy sales were being choked off as a result. Now, two years later, even more stores are in on the action… Reporter […]
What Third-Grade Math Can Teach You About Veterinary Marketing
By Steve Klinghoffer Teachers know that the secret to successful learning is repetition. Most people don’t have the ability to remember or learn material after seeing or hearing it only once. That’s why, when you were young, your teacher had you write your spelling words multiple times. Or maybe your third-grade teacher drilled your class […]
Make Online Footprints on the Veterinary Landscape with YouTube
In case you haven’t noticed, Google has morphed from a company name into a universal verb. Don’t know an answer to something? Google it. Need directions to a local restaurant? Google them. How do you say veterinarian in Spanish? Googlé “veterinario.†The power of Google has changed internet marketing on a scale sometimes too grand […]
Connect With Existing Clients, Attract New Ones on Facebook
You have a dedicated Facebook page for your practice. You have spread the word to your clients, have a respectable number of followers, and are gaining new fans among pet owners every day. How, then, do you keep the momentum going and use Facebook as an effective marketing tool to strengthen your relationship with pet […]
How Twitter Can Impact Your Veterinary Hospital’s Bottom Line
There’s a basic rule of thumb in business: “Get ahead of the wave of change or risk getting swamped by it.†Today that means technology and, to a large extent, that means Social Media. As one of the three legs (Facebook, Linked In) of the stool propping up the medium, Twitter is a key element […]
How to Manage A Veterinary Email Newsletter Like a Pro
Email newsletters are a common way to keep your veterinary practice top-of-mind for potential clients as well effectively reinforcing yourself as a credible authority within your speciality. Companies such as Constant Contact provide an affordable, valuable service to veterinarians who wish to develop a newsletter following and attract new clients. However, effective newsletter marketing is […]
Keeping Your Veterinary Hospital Website Out Of Google Jail
Overly Aggressive SEO Tactics Can Land You in Google Jail Your veterinary hospital is successful and expanding. Now is the time, you feel, to develop the best website possible; a website that will truly promote your services and help you improve your connection with your veterinary community. However, everyone who owns and maintains a website […]
Successful Marketing Strategies for Your Veterinary Hospital
Times have changed and so have veterinary marketing techniques. What may have been successful 30 years ago is probably not going to attract today’s savvy pet owners. Even with a great reputation, there is no guarantee that your veterinary practice will continue to grow and thrive.
You can blame the internet; however, there are many factors including an increased number of veterinary hospitals, pet vaccine clinics and competition from the big box stores.
Social Media – Which Platform is Best for your Veterinary Practice?
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest) is the modern rage and many practice consultants claim that your hospital cannot succeed without it. This is partially true; however, many hospitals can do just fine without using social media. For hospitals that choose to expand their client communication however, social media provides a perfect way to do it. The question then becomes which platforms promise the best results for your practice and how should you select the optimal, most interesting material to post for your clients.
Obamacare May Have a Bite That’s Worse Than Its Bark
Tax on Veterinary Products & Equipment In March of 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which included a tax that has veterinarians (and pet owners) feeling like they got nipped in the hand. A provision of the commonly called Obamacare places a 2.3 percent tax on the […]