A Mystery Shopper Can Provide Insight Into Your Veterinary Hospital
One of the most effective ways to assess the overall performance of your veterinary hospital is to sit yourself down in the client’s chair and find out what their experience is like. Hiring a mystery shopper is a tried and true method of finding out what is working, and what is not, in your practice. A mystery shopper can provide you with an objective point of view and offer results that you can immediately take action on. This, in turn, betters your efforts in veterinary marketing, as well as online reputation management.
Managing Your Veterinary Hospital’s Twitter Account
We all know the importance of social media in promoting your veterinary hospital. But what we may not know is how to use it. Or better yet, how to use it effectively as a part of our veterinary marketing campaign. If you’re one of these veterinarians or hospital owners, you’re not alone. One of the most popular – as well as most misused social marketing tools – is Twitter. You’re probably accustomed to hearing people discuss their profiles, posts, and statuses, but when it comes to tweets, hashtags, and trending topics, your brain may shut down. Yet what should catch your attention is that Twitter can serve as one of the most simple, widespread, and not to mention – free – forms of veterinary marketing and promoting your veterinary practice. With some basic information and vocabulary, you too can tweet your animal hospital to veterinary marketing success.
Increase the Value of Your Veterinary Hospital Website
In this article, we take a look at the benefits of your veterinary hospital website.
Implications of Rising Veterinary Malpractice Awards and Tips for Avoiding a Veterinary Malpractice Suit
In this article on veterinary malpractice, we take a closer look at what vet malpractice means for the practice of veterinarians, as well as tips on how to protect yourself from a veterinary malpractice claim.
A Brief History of Veterinary Malpractice — Part 2 of a 3-Part Series about Veterinary Malpractice
In Part 2 of this 3-part series on veterinary malpractice, we offer a brief overview of how the legal system has evolved in its thinking about pets and their value to their owners, as well as how this affects veterinary medicine and veterinary law, for better or for worse.
Veterinary Malpractice and What It Means To the Practicing Veterinarian
This comprehensive series of articles on Veterinary Malpractice is broken down into 3 separate blog postings.
• The first article in the series discusses the four elements that must be proven in order for a client to succeed in a veterinary malpractice suit.
• The second article is a brief history of Veterinary Malpractice and how it has evolved.
• The final article deals with the implications of Veterinarian Malpractice and provides some important tips for avoiding a veterinary malpractice or negligence suit
Benefits of a Great Veterinary Hospital Business Card
Your Veterinary Hospital Business Card Speaks Volumes About You and Your Practice Your veterinary hospital business card may look like a simple piece of paper, but it also serves as an important window into your profession. It speaks volumes about your animal hospital and your veterinary practice. Whether your business card functions as a simple […]
Intellectual Property Law, Copyright and Your Veterinary Hospital’s Website
Written by: Mark Feltz, DVM Monica Feltz, J.D., LL.M. What is intellectual property? When lawyers talk about intellectual property (IP), they are describing the right of people to own their unique ideas and creations. As an example, if you write a song or invent something new, this creation comes with a patent, trademark, copyright, or […]
Veterinary Hospital Online Reputation Management – Part 2
Introduction – Veterinary Hospital Online Reputation Management – Part 2 Our second article about online reputation management for your veterinary hospital is more in-depth than the previous one that we posted several weeks ago. This updated article deals with most concerns that veterinary practice owners have about the comments that disgruntled clients leave on consumer […]
Protecting your Veterinary Hospital’s Online Reputation
It’s hard enough to build your veterinary hospital’s brand without having to worry about various rock-throwers attacking your hospital’s reputation on the Web. The growth of online consumer communities means anyone can undermine your hard work to build a positive brand for your veterinary practice. The vast majority of pet owners look online for a […]